Latest Episodes

Fit2BTide S08.E14: New year new you...or so they say
2023 is here! Sheena and Whitney dive into fun and new health and wellness trends. See which ones make the cut.

Fit2BTide S08.E13: The holidays are here!
Sheena and Whitney are geeking out because it’s the holidays! Stay on track with your fitness and nutrition goals while having a little fun...

Fit2BTide S08.E12: Leadership and Work-life Balance
Work life balance can be tough when you’re overseeing multiple departments. Dr. Adam Sterritt is on the show and he’s sharing all of his...

Fit2BTide S08.E11: Holiday Food!
Claire Schneithorst, a UA senior in nutrition and president of the Student Dietetic Association, is sharing her favorite holiday foods and best things about...

Fit2BTide S08.E10: Attitude of Gratefulness
It's time to get thankful and grateful! Sheena and Whitney talk about all the ways you can have on a heart of gratefulness and...

Fit2BTide S08.E09: The Gym can Be Scary
In this Halloween edition of Fit2BTide, Whitney and Charles talk about the scary things people do in the gym and how you can avoid...